Propagate Data – Example

In this example we will sort and filter the table and use the new data subset to create a pie chart.

General Instructions

  • Open 09_Table_Propagate.wfd.

  • Access Table 1 | Subcomponents | Edit sorters and filters | Filters.

  • Review the table filtering. Two number input values are compared with the month numeric values.

Publishing sorted and filtered array

  • On the Advanced tab, check the Publish sorted and filtered array option and rename the array to MonthsSortedFiltered.

  • You can also review the chart's settings (charts will be discussed later in the course).

  • The chart's array and two variables are already prepared in the mapping.


  • Proof the solution and type the start and end month into the top number inputs, e.g., 5 and 12.

  • The table is automatically filtered, and a chart with filtered values is displayed.

  • Feel free to change the table sorting. The chart responds accordingly.

  • See 09_Table_Propagate_DONE.wfd for the solution.