Table Creation – Example

In this example we will create a repeated table with four columns, style it, and adjust it.

Note  Make sure you have repetition on the Data node set to Empty; otherwise, you will not be able to select an array for repetition in the wizard.

General instructions

  • Open 04_Table_Repeated.wfd and access the Layout module.

  • Right-click in the DC design and insert a new table.

Wizard steps

  • Set it to be repeated, use CustID, CustName, CustSur (Sort), and CountryLong (Sort and Filter) variables.

  • In the last step, set the border color to be black, the fill color to use the prepared Green color, and use the odd/even table style.

Final adjustments

  • After you create the table, adjust its design (align the CustID header and body content to the right, set the padding of all the cells to 10 px (top, bottom, left, and right).

  • Rename the header cell's texts to: ID, First Name, Last Name, and Country.

  • Rename Table Row 1 to Header Row and Table Row 2 to Repeated Body Row.

  • Set the first column's width to 10% and the rest of the columns to 30%.

    Tip  You can set the column's width in the table cell component's properties.
  • See 04_Table_Repeated_DONE.wfd for the solution